Thursday, November 8, 2007

Chemo #2 Down!

Nini here, happy to report that Jen's chemo #2 went very well yesterday. Barbara Thompson came by to visit again, as did Earleen. We all had a great visit and Barbara brought a bunch of leftover candy and pushed it on everyone! All the other chemo patients liked it though. Thanks for coming Barbara and Earleen! Grace came by with yummy lunch from Severino's Grill where she works. Jen and Grace and I ate lunch outside on the picnic table (handy portable IV poles...) and then went back in for another hour or so.

I took a bunch of pictures, but Blogger is having photo uploading issues, so please check back in later to see photos from the treatment and other fun stuff.

I saw this quote today and thougt it was a good one:
"There is one consolation in being sick...the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before."
— Henry David Thoreau

Jen is always grateful for your wonderful prayers, positive thoughts, smiles and fun emails.

More soon!



Sarah Auerswald said...

Wish I could have been there for lunch! I'm sending you love and healthy wishes!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,
Don't know if you remember me. My name is Carol and I am Larry Pfrenger's sister. I am a two time cancer survivor (breast and endometrial) and my husband is a throat cancer survivor. My surgeon, Dr. Manual is the partner of your surgeon in Los Gatos, so I know that you are in good hands. Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. This disease can be beat.